Established 1999

Wydanie 2, June 2004

20 kwiecień 2008
I know eurocrats

I have seen a map featuring the growth pattern foreseen for all of Central Europe. The borders of rapid growth have a crescent shape: in the east they go as far as Gdańsk; later they turn towards the west and Poznań and on to Wrocław, Cracow, Budapest, Vienna and Zagrzeb. They avoid central Poland completely. Only Warsaw has a chance of joining this “growth belt” although it is located in the very disadvantaged area of impoverished Mazovia. I believe myself to be a good lobbyist. I know that an important part of a europarlamentarian`s job is lobbying, making contacts and being able to present your arguments informally. I can do that. więcej...

20 kwiecień 2008
Cheerful personality

People from Poland and elsewhere in the EU who come to the UK to work need to realize that they are entering a tough, competitive market. They need to sell themselves while adjusting to life in a new country. This is not easy. The British Government set up a new registration scheme for workers from the accession States including Poland: one advantage of this is that it allows people who were previously working illegally to regularize their status in our country - says Charles Crawford, British Ambassador to Poland. więcej...

20 kwiecień 2008
An element of tradition

Turkey from the time of Ataturk has been a secular republic, modeled on the French. Religious freedom rules in the country. I would like to remind you that even during the period of the Ottoman empire, its rulers never interfered in the religious affairs of individual communities. We enjoyed a great deal of tolerance. There was no anti-Semitism. Now the question arises: will the Union show similar tolerance of a Muslim country? Will the current member states be able to fully accept a Muslim population? In Germany, France and Spain there are 10 million Muslim residents - saying Candan Azer, Turkish Ambassador to Poland. więcej...

20 kwiecień 2008
Franciszek Maśluszczak

Maśluszczak was born in 1948 in Kotlice. Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in 1974. For some time Maśluszczak has painted in another way. People have different eyes and hold other objects in other hands. The figures in his paintings now are deep in thought, embarrased or sad. They stare at other sad figures in concentration. Maśluszczak is a lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture of Warsaw University. He had mumerous individual exhibitions (among others in Switzerland, Sweden. His paintings belong to many museums and private collections in Poland and abroad. Maśluszczak attends artistic seminars and travels extensively. więcej...

20 kwiecień 2008
Without stars

As the Law and Justice party we have conducted public opinion research. Among all the focus groups, supporters of various parties expressed intense dislike for stars. Poles absolutely reject the idea of sending rally drivers, singers and sailors to the EP – this is not that kind of category. Each of us respects those who have achieved something – artists, sportsmen – but this is not the issue. więcej...

20 kwiecień 2008
We are a family

The beauty of the idea of a United Europe is based on the inclusion of people with various perspectives and faiths. That’s why I believe that we should honor that ideal and not refer specifically to one religion in the constitution. I hope that our parliamentarians are able to adjust to the habits which govern the EP. I want to live in a "Europe of Nations". I see Europe not a federation but rather a confederation of countries strong in heritage and traditions. We are curious about other nations and cultures but do not forget about our own identity. I am sure of it. więcej...

20 kwiecień 2008
Storks understand...

The majority of Polish agriculture still consists of small peasant farms, even if all of the governments to date gave no thought for their continuation and much less for offering these farms support. Throughout the country feelings of agricultural insecurity, similar to those which have been cultivated in other former socialist countries, were eagerly encouraged. These intentions were not successful and thanks to this the countryside retained an agrarian structure that is hard to find not only in Central and Eastern Europe”. więcej...

20 kwiecień 2008
Politics & economy

The Eastern population of Poland fears that tightened security on the border in connection with EU requirements will lead to the disappearance of border trade and complete economic ruin. This poor corridor of Eastern Poland has made a living almost exclusively thanks to this economic activity. At the moment, statistics concerning changes in the scale of border trade after the introduction of visas is still not available. For the eastern border regions of Poland trade with Belarus and Ukraine has great significance. Resources for shopiing in Poland are to a significant extent acquired from the sale of goods carried by small-time smugglers. Largers smugglers pay bribes and cross the border without problems. Recently one-third of the employees at a border crossing were arested. więcej...

18 kwiecień 2008
A clean slate

If I tell the true about the deception of society by the elite and others on the right or left sides of the Sejm, if I talk about the rotten elements currently dominating Poland in the political elite, if I talk about the raffling off of fortunes for a song, fortunes accumulated by several generations - they call me a populist. If people evaluate the situation in the same way and support my activities, opponents call me a demagogue that makes unfounded promises. However, none of the opponents who sling mud my way want to discuss Samoobrona`s program, which is coherent, logical and realistically implementable in Poland, based on the newest achievements in the global economy - says Andrzej Lepper, Samoobrona party leader. więcej...